About Us
Our goal at the Boys & Girls Clubs of NEPA is to help prepare our members to be the Leaders of Tomorrow. By doing so, we encourage positive attitudes, education, good sportsmanship and friendship. Our aim is to empower boys and girls with the skills needed to face all types of challenges that they may encounter. Our Club bases its program on membership, community involvement and its recognized role as an advocate for youth.
Who, How, & When?
Membership at the Boys & Girls Clubs of NEPA is for any boy or girl between the ages of 6 through 18. Yearly membership fee is $25.00 which covers a membership year starting June 1st and ending May 31st.
Club Expectations
Being at the Club is a privilege, not a right. By showing respect for the Club, its staff, and all other club members, you can ensure that you are safe in the Club; that the building and its equipment stays in good condition; and that your relationships with others remains fun and positive. Failing to abide by these expectations (i.e., fighting, stealing, destroying property, and disrespecting staff or other Club members) may result in the loss of privileges, a suspension, or even criminal prosecution.
Parent Information
Parents play a vital role at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Northeastern Pennsylvania. It is important that each parent be involved in the growth and development of their child(ren). The Club’s purpose is to provide guidance and structure to children while in our care.
The following will highlight the policies and give you general information about our organization. If you ever have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Club at any time.
Rules, Regulations and Discipline
Proper behavior is expected at all times. When disruptive or uncooperative behavior becomes a problem, the member is given consequences. Continuous behavioral problems or extreme incidents may result in suspension or permanent loss of Club privileges. These rules below represent the Club’s basic rules. We use a progressive discipline model at the Club and repeated offenses can lead to suspension or termination of membership privileges.
Club Rules
Respect the Club and its Property
NO Running in the building
NO Fighting, keep your hands and feet to yourself*
NO Name calling
NO Ethnic slurs*
NO Stealing*
Respect Staff, Volunteers and fellow Members
NO Loitering in Club hallways or restrooms
Members must wear appropriate attire (as determined by Club Staff)
Have FUN
*Club has a ZERO tolerance for these violations and may result in an immediate suspension of membership privileges. The following actions will also lead to immediate suspension:
Deliberate destruction of Club property or equipment
Racial or gender related offensive remarks
Use of tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs
Gang related activities
Theft of any person’s belongings, or of any Club property
Fighting or bullying
Possession of a weapon – which may be cause for permanent dismissal
Members suspended or expelled from the Club for violations of Club rules do not receive a refund of membership.
Illness, Health and Emergency Procedures
It is important that every parent cooperate fully with the health and emergency procedures. Our regulations are designed to protect the wellbeing of all members. If a member becomes ill at the Club, he/she MUST be picked up, within sixty (60) minutes after contact has been made, by the parent, guardian or emergency contact. If your child is ill before leaving home, please DO NOT bring them to the Club. Since the Boys & Girls Club is not a day care facility, we are not equipped with an area to isolate ill members. In case of an accident that requires medical attention, every effort to contact the parent, guardian or emergency contact will be made before the Club makes arrangements for proper aid. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO UPDATE YOUR PHONE NUMBERS AS THEY CHANGE! Prescription/nonprescription medication WILL NOT be administered by any Club staff at any time. Arrangements can be made to store items if needed.